Unlocking Incentives on Fhenix: Introducing Grants & Bounties

Date: 22-08-24

Unlocking Incentives on Fhenix: Introducing Grants and Bounties

Get compensated to build the future of onchain confidentiality.

Since launching the Fhenix Helium testnet in June we’ve hit the hackathon circuit hard. It’s been a treat to see you put the network through its paces creating things like a Pet Identity Provider, personal advertising protocolconfidential voting application, and many more exciting projects.

The Helium testnet has seen a good deal of activity which we’ve used to battle test our developer docs. We’re ready to take it to the next level by providing you, the builder, with a good reason to stick around and form the foundation of the Fhenix ecosystem.

To that end we’re providing financial resources for you to turn your confidentiality-enabled application from fun side project to venture-funded crypto mainstay through the Fhenix Grant and Bounty programs. These programs will be used to provide the initial resources needed for you to explore the power of confidential computation and bootstrap the first viral confidential onchain application.

How to Apply

The Fhenix Grant program is for Fhenix projects which harness FHE to to bring confidentiality onchain or help others to do so through the creation of crucial FHE infrastructure. Fhenix grants are substantial and are intended for ambitious projects with specific, measurable milestones. Both smart contract applications incorporating confidentiality and infrastructure projects facilitating them are eligible.

To apply for a Fhenix grant, visit the Grants page at Fhenix.io and apply.

Make sure to clearly communicate how your project will benefit the Fhenix network and push the bounds of onchain confidentiality. Fhenix grant applications which stand the best chance of acceptance are thoughtful and milestone-based, with a distribution budget attached to specific development timelines.

While Fhenix grants are for larger-scale projects which utilizes FHE for onchain confidentiality, Fhenix bounties are for more specific objectives. Eligibility for Fhenix grants are open-ended, whereas bounties have smaller, specific scopes attached to them.

You can view the list of bounties, along with a description and associated amount on the Fhenix Bounty page.

Review Process

Our team will review all Fhenix grant and bounty applications on a rolling basis. If we determine more information is needed, we will reach out to schedule a call with the team to gather the additional information needed to make a decision.

We anticipate receiving many applications and will work as quickly as possible to process them. While it’s difficult to estimate the time needed to process individual grant and bounty proposals, you should receive a response in around two weeks time, at which point applicants will be notified via email whether or not their proposal has been accepted.

Fire up your dev environments

Ethereum has made huge strides towards becoming a permissionless platform for innovation and creating a new, open internet, but its lack of confidentiality is an obstacle to widespread adoption.

The Fhenix Grant and Bounty Programs will provide resources for the intrepid devs building on the frontier of onchain confidentiality. There’s a huge opportunity here, and we’ll do everything we can to help you take advantage of it.

The Fhenix docs have everything you need to get started building.

As always, if you have any questions about FHE or Fhenix, ask away in the Fhenix Discord. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter/X!

Confidentially yours,
The Fhenix team